So the updates. the I-miev recently surpassed 16k miles. I use it almost daily and it is still fun to drive: light and quite responsive.
This winter i did a trip from Seattle to Portland, OR, in near freezing temperatures.
The first segment was done from full charge and was about 78 miles. The other two charges were using AeroVironment electric chademo high-way. The charge started typically at around 8% and till full 80. It took about 18 minutes, which was plenty for a stop at the gas station, having lunch and visiting local super-market (this are the places where the chargers are installed). There was no wait and the chargers were all in top shape.
In Portland i used Blink chargers, near the airport, as well as Sema connect L2 in the downtown.
So i did 404 miles in 2 days in an iMiev.
The biggest finding was that i actually don't need a 85 kw tesla, and would happily settle for a 60 or 70d with super-charger.
Also a Kia Soul would probably make a more comfortable trip at higher speeds, due to bigger battery, allowing for less stops.
The european SAE-DC plugs are available only in Portland now, so e-Golf or i3 would not make it there. Possibly i3 with range extender with stops for gas.
So electric cars that can go from Seattle to Portland are: Tesla, Leaf, iMiev and Kia Soul Ev if you could get it outside of CA.
I still love my iMiev, and it still doing great.