Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Why eco mode is limiting the peaks

Yesterday i was doing a bit of research regarding ways to prolong battery life.
There is a great NASA whitepaper about li-ion batteries that lists all the factors.

Also, after reading this, it became clear why "eco" mode limits the current draw and makes the car feel a bit unresponsive. The less current draw pikes you have - the longer the battery will serve you.
It's an older battery technology, but you get the idea.
Assuming the first bar (Green eco) is up to 50A, second - 100A and third - 150A we're getting discharge rates of 1C, 2C and 3C for each bar respectively.
Sudden acceleration introduce current pikes and result in capacity loss with the same principle as illustrated on this graph:

Driving the car in D sure is very responsive, but it goes into pikes very easily. ECO takes some getting used to and some planning, but is extremely smooth.
My wife (a very demanding passenger) appreciates the smoothness of acceleration and breaking in this mode.

I'm glad i can plug in at work. It was 47F this morning and i had to resort to heating the car. Did not have time to pre-heat. Normal 5 bars to get to work turned into 7. an 8 hour work day will give me 6.4 bars. Rather close to full : )

Also, today the car has passed a 1200 miles odometer mark. Comparing to the Smart car i had, it is ~30 gallons of fuel that i did not burn and pay for: ).

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